Digital Libraries

Attaining Digital Literacy

High-quality books in Khmer are becoming increasingly available in digital format, as are learning and development apps. In an increasingly digital world, we believe that all students should be able to attain digital literacy, regardless of where they live. We are building on that belief by improving access and expanding library collections to include high-quality ebooks and apps in Khmer. In partnership with committed educators in rural primary schools, we are bringing technology straight to the classroom. 

Our digital collections piggyback on the recent wave of ebooks, apps, and other digital content from trusted organizations such as the Asia Foundation and Aide et Action. With durable tablets that can withstand the hot and dusty rural environment, connecting school children to the internet is a snap. We’re always working to meet the needs of rural students, and remain committed to playing a key role in communities. To sponsor your own digital library, you can contact us below.